
Road to Comiket 97 - Guide for Desperate International Otakus

Hello!! So today i'm thinking to tell you about my Comiket journey and what kind of things i prepared for the event. Yes you need a thorough prep before attending this grand event of the biggest doujinshi market place. This post will be an "advanced" doujinshi post so if you're not familiar with the whole "doujinshi world" and "Comiket" itself, better google it first and then go back here. I'm too lazy to go over the basics lol. Let's go straight to the event itself. Comiket is being held 2 times a year, on summer and winter. This time i went on the winter, precisely on 28 and 29 December 2019. The event itself has 4 days but my interest is mainly on the first and second day so i only went on those 2 days ( yas bcs it has lots BL circles xixixi ). BEFORE THE EVENT If you have certain doujinshi/goods that you want to buy, it's best to know the circle name and where their place is . Tokyo Big Sight is HUGE and you'll lose yo...

Tips Membuat Visa Multiple Entry Jepang !! (via Travel Agent)

Setelah sekian lama ngga upload blog akhirnya ada konten yg patut untuk di-share wkwkw. Kalau kalian cek post sebelum ini, aku sedang siap-siap buat ke Jepang akhir tahun ini. Jadi aku mau share pengalamanku mengurus visa Jepang lewat travel agent. Oke kita akan mulai dari sedikit latar belakang dulu ya (karena keadaan dan lokasi tiap orang berbeda-beda, dan hal itu bisa mempengaruhi proses pengajuan).  Aku adalah mahasiswa. Karena berbagai halangan dan pengalaman ngurus visa sendiri yang ga mengenakkan, aku memilih untuk menggunakan jasa travel agent. Aku sudah pernah ke Jepang (1 bulan) & Taiwan serta punya visa Amerika. Kali ini aku akan bepergian ke Jepang sendirian selama 2 minggu. Travel agent yang aku pakai adalah Nusantara Tour & Travel. Bisa dicek webnya disini untuk yang kepo. Aku sudah pernah pakai jasa mereka untuk apply visa Jepang Single Entry jadi menurutku mereka cukup tepercaya. Aku ingin sharing untuk kalian yang tinggal jauh dari...

um welcome (are you sure you're not lost?)

Greetings from my workplace! I was working on my office's website (yes, i have to create one eventhough it's not in my job description!) while i stumbled into blogger site. I thought why not try make one hahaha. And here we are. I just created this blog out of the whim and you're sure you want to read this? HahahahA. Okay, let's move on to this blog's future contents. I'm thinking to make this my traveling journey blog . This December i'm going to Japan for the second time and i'm SUPER EXCITED about that. And yeah, i'm going to solo-travel!! A lot of people think that a girl traveling alone is a dangerous thing to do, but i don't think so. If you do enough research about how to act as a native and learn that country's culture, you're going to be totally fine. There's a lot of women solo-traveler these days and they're so empowering. You don't have to limit yourself by matching other people's pace, just do it in y...